Autocorrelation Instructions for AMS Machinery Manager Version 5.5 or higher. Simply explained

Autocorrelation Instructions for AMS Machinery Manager Version 5.5 or higher. Images from Emerson for demonstration purposes In this above example, we have two Acceleration Time Wave Forms (TWF) from two different machines. The first or top TWF is from a Blower inboard bearing in the vertical plane. The second is a cooling water centrifugal pump inboard bearing in the vertical plane. Notice in both TWF’s it is hard to detect if there is any repetitive impacting To Auto correlate, select the time waveform. In the above example, we click on the first TWF blower. Once selected then right-click – (see below Autocorrelation,) After the right-click the above menu box will appear. (Select Auto correlate. See results below) In this example for the blower, the autocorrelation is near 1 so the impacts are repetitive and is most likely related to a bearing defect. The second example below is a centrifugal cooling pump. Again, once the TWF is selected we again right-click and select autocorrel...